January is the time of year when everyone sets their New Year’s resolutions, and generally look to start the year in a positive direction. You may want to give up smoking, lose weight or start a new exercise routine. However you may have tried doing this last year, and even the year before! without any great success. So what goes wrong!?
The problem lies within the unconscious part of our minds, this part consists of all of the learned behaviours we have trained ourselves with over the course of our lives. The unconscious mind works automatically for us all day long, so that we can automatically repeat what we have already learnt to do. Although this is great most of the time, it also has a down side when it comes to making changes. When we consciously decide that its time to change a bad habit, because we know consciously that it’s bad for us, the subconscious mind wants to carry on doing it regardless! The subconscious mind does not know the difference between good and bad, it simply prefers to do what it has already been programmed to do, and this also uses less energy.
So we need to re-programme the subconscious, in order to make sure that it does not revert back to its previous habits. This can take many months or even years of dedicated work to achieve, but with the use of Hypnotherapy it is possible to bring about the desired changes much more quickly. We will examine the conscious changes you wish to make, and then under hypnosis speak directly to the subconscious mind so that bad habits can be replaced with good ones.
Click here to make an enquiry, and make 2020 your best year yet.